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Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Board

Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Board is a statutory body commenced functioning on I st May 1977 with a view to constitute a Fund for promoting the welfare of labour. The Board collects contribution from the employees and employers of the establishments and other statutory revenues under the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Act.1975. It is applicable to all factories covered under the Factories Act 1948, Plantations covered under the Plantation Labour Act 1951, and establishments as defined in section 2(f)(v) of the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Act 1975. As a prominent pioneer in the arena of Labour Welfare, the board offers variety of benefits to its workers who are paying contribution to this fund.

At a Glance

Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Board came into existence vide G.O. Ms.NO.26/77/LBR dated 01.05.1977as SRO 372/77. Based on the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Act 1975, the Board has formulated diverse benefits which suits to the requirement of the Labour community in the State.

Contribution to the fund

Every employee contributes Rs.4/- per half year and every employer in respect of such employee, contributes Rs.8/- per half year to the Fund. Every employer should pay to the Fund both the employer’s contribution and the employees contribution before 15 th day of July and 15 th day of January of every year. Labour Welfare Fund Inspectors are entrusted to collect the contribution amount through district offices. The money in the Fund can be utilized by the Board to promote the welfare of employees and their dependents on the Following activities namely

  • Community and social education centres including reading rooms and libraries.
  • Games and sports
  • Vocational training
  • Community necessities
  • Entertainment and other forms of recreation
  • Convalescent homes for tuberculosis patients
  • Holiday homes in health resorts.
  • Part-time employment for house wives of employees
  • Pre-schools
  • Higher education.
  • Nutritious food to children of employees.
  • Employment opportunities to the disabled employees.
  • Cost of administering this Act including the salaries and allowances of the staff appointed for the purpose of this Act.
  • Such other objects as would in the opinion of the Government, improve the standard of living and ameliorate the social condition of labour.

Constitution of the Board

Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Board is constituted as per Section 5 of the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Act,1975. The present Board consists 21 members Appointed by the Government :-

  • Five representatives of employees
  • Five representatives of employers
  • Five Government Officials; and
  • Six non-Officials.